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Hi %%name%%

Welcome to your Internet Marketing training area.
I am going to make sure you get started out on a solid foundation so you can work at home and do it online. The journey isn’t easy, but it is very convenient. You can work generally speaking wherever and whenever you want. That’s something most folks dream about. The bad news? It does take focus, and discipline. The BEST news.. the investment of money is not very high. Five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars will go a long long way.

I’ll be going over many topics with you in this tutorial. First, about establishing your own website (recommended). We’ll take a look at how to make a Blog and make money from it. How to get involved with “affiliate marketing”. How to sell what is called Master Resale Rights products. How to make a product of your own. How to get Traffic, and a whole variety of topics that will open the door and your eyes to what has to be the greatest profession on Earth – Internet Sales from wherever your laptop or desktop computer resides.

One word of caution. These tutorial will give you a concrete direction to head, and will take you by the hand and make sure you are doing everything correctly, in the proper order. However, you will have to research, on your own, each topic more thoroughly after I introduce you to them. Without that you will be left guessing and confused. These tutorials will make it a whole lot easier to succeed, but you will have to put in the extra work and research on each topic yourself as well. That said, let’s move on!

Welcome aboard!
Lets Begin...


Although you will be told time and time again that you do not need a website of your own, actually you will be 99% better off if you do have one. It will open up doors that you can’t imagine right now, but later down the road, everything from blogging, to building a base of leads to sell to, to reselling products will be a whole lot simpler if you get “hosting”.

The one and only one solution I recommend for all your Internet Marketing business, is netprosoft, where you get everything that you need in just one place. You get Web Hosting, Email Marketing Autoresponders, Ecommerce Solutions, Affiliate Managment System, Download Managment, and much more... everything in one place.

There are other well known names of hosting in the market  but in general I’d recommend Netprosoft because you get everything you will ever nead in one place.
Before signing up, think up a unique domain name for your website. It should be fairly broad in scope in case you shift focus. For instance, if you name the site, and then decide to switch to a focus on Gardening, Blogging, or Twitter as your “niche”, then you’ll need a new name! Instead try or something like that. Generic. Should you only choose .com? and not .net, or .me, or .org, etc? Well, most folks remember .com the best, but that is hard to answer. I mostly get .coms myself and add “MY” or “YOUR” to the beginning of the name to make it unique.
You can check for the best hosting an all in one solution HERE

I usually use Godaddy, or Namecheap when purchasing a domain name.
Web Page editor and FTP software
One thing you will need when making simple web pages of your own, also known as “mini-sites”, and for other very simple tasks, is a web page editor. While you can do it in Microsoft Word, Wordpad and other text editors, many folks choose to start out by download the free program called Kompozer, formerly known as NVU. The Graphical User Interface makes it very easy to use, but it is a powerful program. There are tutorials on how to use it online as well.

One way you will use Kompozer in a very simple fashion is to change the name on sales pages so that YOUR name appears on them. You can do other simple tasks like changing the price, adding a “form” from your autoresponder so you capture folks information such as their name and email, and more. These are all basic functions that are simple to do, and you should make sure you learn to do them as we progress. So go download what could be the best freebie ever, Kompozer, and have a blast!
Another necessary evil in learning the basics of marketing online is to be able to move files from your computer to the host computer and vice-versa. Many folks may recommend using cPanel, which offers a variety of things you can do. However, I’d like to focus on the very simple file-moving system called FTP. FTP dates back decades, and is completely free if you do search for an ftp client. With the free Kompozer softare you also get and FTP manager.  Just like any file manager, you get to view both your own computer’s hard drive, and the host computer. You then drag the files back and forth, whether you want to upload or download the files you have altered.
The very first thing you should consider starting with when it comes to making money online is blogging. If you establish a blog, not only is it free, but you can monetize it in several ways.

What is a blog? A blog, originally known as “weblog” is a continuous string of posts that you make about whatever you want to talk about. It can be reviews, information about your particular niche, or just what your thoughts are on the world at hand. If you are sharing valuable information in a particular “niche” you can actually get sponsors to post ads on your blog. However it is easier to monetize your blog in other ways.

For instance, there is Google. Google has the “Adsense Program”, named because the ads actually “sense” what you are blogging about and match the topics accordingly. I will have more information on Adsense for you shortly. There is also something very smart that you can do. You can advertise other people’s products on your blog, by being an “affiliate” for them. I’ll be going over that as well. For now, the most common thing to do is to get your free “Wordpress” blog and install it on your server. That isn’t very hard to do.
With your account at Netprosoft hosting, you can install as manu Blogs that you need with just 1 click of the mouse. So go ahead and if you sugned up for your Netprosoft account, check the Wordpress installation section and see yourself how easy it is...
Google Adsense
There is no doubt that you have seen those little “mini-ads” that pop up on websites throughout the web. Those little ads are something that you may someday place yourself on other people’s pages. For now, though, consider this – if you take those ads and place them on your blog, or your website.. YOU will get paid anytime somebody clicks on them!

Go ahead to and sign up for their Adsense program.  Take your time and look around a bit.

If you have not already started your Wordpress blog, then you can go to and start a free blog there. (Wordpress is more versatile, so prepare to move to that eventually). Whatever topic you choose to write about on your blog, the ads that you are going to place will act like a chameleon and those ads will match that subject. (Thus “Ad-sense”)

Now go ahead in and practice making the little ads, and copying and pasting the proper code onto your website or blog. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with Wordpress, or Blogger enough so you know how to do this. I’m leaving some of those fine details up to you to research.

Some topics you choose to write about will actually be more lucrative than others. For instance, if you were to write about criminal law, there would be attorneys advertising their services which would yield a higher payout per click! Still, I suggest you write about a subject that you enjoy. The only challenge left is getting traffic to your website or blog so you can get those clicks!

Although they aren't THAT expensive, most newcomers shy away from the inevitable... you HAVE to get an Autoresponder to be really successful. You see, your goal is to not only make sales, but to build up a list of followers to sell to time and again. You may form a bond with them, so that they become even more than just customers, but the point is, without them,  you can't really be guaranteed to make continuous sales. Your autoresponder will be the place where you email lists will reside, and you will be able to send them messages from there.

As I recommended earlier, with Netprosoft, you get your own Autoresponders that goes hand in hand with the rest of the services you get there.  There are of course bigger companies of Autoresponders on the market but in the last few years they gotten a bit pricey.You can still pay under $20 per month for their service, but as your list grows, your costs will grow quickly as well.
Once you get your Autoresponder service become accustomed to it through the in-house tutorials they have for you. It is vital you understand it inside and out. You will be able to send out "broadcasts" or "blasts" as they are called whenever  you wish to your entire list of leads, OR you can schedule them to go out in timed intervals known as "followups".

Don't skimp on this. If you get roped into another Autoresponder, you not only are likely to end up with one of these two down the road, but you may lose your list when you make the switch.
Check the best solution you can find right HERE
One of the first things you will want to get involved with is affiliate marketing. Although you need to drive traffic to your website, blog, or “mini-site”, getting set up with a Clickbank account is very important. You see, Clickbank is a huge marketplace of e-products. Someday in the future you may actually make one of those e-products and place it on Clickbank for other affiliates to sell. For now, you are going to want to take products and sell them to others, and you will make a hefty commission, usually at or over 50%, for each sale.

If you go to you will find it remarkably easy to establish an account. The most difficult part will be choosing a name that may not already be taken. Keep in mind that later on you may use that name when you sell a product, so don’t make it too funky. Something marketing related like myproducts would be good. I believe it is limited to 10 characters.

Now head on over to the Clickbank “marketplace” and you will see that it is divided into various “niches”, or areas of interest. You will be able to create what is called a “hoplink” for each one of those products, that would lead to paying YOU the commission if you were to sell that product. Clickbank recently introduced a way to “cloak” your hoplink so that people will not be able to easily figure out the product name, and place their own affiliate id into this url instead of yours.

There are a huge number of ways to decide on which products to sell, but it depends of course on what you plan to focus on with the subscribers that you will eventually be getting and repeatedly “making suggestions” (selling) to. One thing to look for in product is a high “gravity” meaning that a lot of other affiliates are promoting the product, not just the product owner.

As with most of these newsletters, I’m pointing you in the right direction, but it is up to you to find out as much as you can through the Clickbank marketplace itself and through forums.
The one Internet Marketing forum that has withstood the “test of time” is known as the “Warrior Forum” at I have great news and not so great news about that forum. The great news it really IS a place where you can get your questions answered. It is also a place you can introduce new products an a section called Warrior Special Offers. It is also a place you can “kind of” get the word out about your own new releases.

That brings us to the bad news. Because the nature of Internet Marketing can be so “spammy”, with folks jumping in with offers all over the place, it tends to bring down the quality of the discussion if that happens. So, the Warrior Forum “police” as I call them will be scrutinizing every post of yours. If you so much as hint that you are pushing your product outside of the Warrior Special Offer section, the entire “thread” including your initial posting will be annihilated.

One thing you should keep in mind is that folks tend to be overly positive and overly negative about certain products when they are asked an opinion about them, to the point where it is hard to make out the forest from the trees. However, the Warrior Forum is the absolute best place to establish potential partners, and to simply ask questions and learn about what may be a stumbling block for you. Use. It.
Squeeze Pages
The not-so-secret, secret in Internet Marketing is the use of Squeeze Pages. Those are the little minisites (mini web-sites) that are just one page, where you offer a freebie or some other sort of incentive, in exchange for the reader’s name and email. Sometimes you may just collect their email, the name is handy (for personalization later) but not crucial.

The best squeeze pages, also known as opt-in pages are simple with a big fat headline and as few words as possible. A video on a squeeze page can work wonders as well.
Squeeze Pages are the heart and soul of Internet Marketing because they are the very easiest vehicle to use to start building a list of leads, or subscribers for yourself. The best way to get started is to get a hold of something called a “Master Resale Rights” product, with “giveaway rights”. That means you can purchase this product (sometimes you can even get it for free (rare), and you can then start giving it out using your squeeze page.

Where can you find Master Resale Rights products, you won’t have to look hard, if you join a “Giveaway” which is what we’ll discuss next.
Giveaways can get you started
In the "Squeeze Pages" section above I mentioned that you can’t easily find products with Master Resale Rights to “give away”. The same holds true if you join an Internet Marketing “Giveaway”. However, follow me for just a moment as I take you through a journey of something you can do that will be very useful to getting started.

You see, dozens, sometimes hundreds of Internet Marketers just like you want to get you to opt-in to THEIR squeeze pages, as they offer you free gifts in these giveaways. A quick Google search will lead you right to the Giveaways. Some of the most popular include the Easter Giveaway and the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway, but they are held nearly year-round.

Even though later on, you will use Giveaways for this very purpose, right now, if you pick up some free products, and sign up to a whole bunch of “lists” from these other marketers, chances are it will be just a matter of days before you get YOUR hands on products with Master Resale Rights. You can then use THOSE products with YOUR squeeze pages and get a list going.

One note, even though it will be tempting to “opt-out” of these lists, as you will be hit with a lot of email, don’t be too hasty. Some of the very best deals and information will come through these sometimes annoying emails. It is best to wait and see which marketer’s style you like, and which you don’t before dumping off their newsletter or mailing list.
Now that you know the power of the Giveaways by actually getting some free gifts and opting in to the “lists” of several marketers, you are almost ready to turn the corner and submit a gift to the Giveaway yourself!

After a couple of weeks on the various lists of these other marketers, you will no doubt be given the opportunity to buy “Master Resale Rights” products. Some of these will actually have “giveaway rights” that will let you give these gifts away, so that you can start building your list when other budding marketers download YOUR gifts.

At this time you need to do a couple of things. First, make sure you are very comfortable making a “squeeze page” and a “download page” with your editing software. You need to be able to take the opt-in “webform” from your autoresponder and embed it into the squeeze page that folks will go to when they try to get your free gift.

Secondly, in order to qualify to give away these eproducts, you will have to invite folks into the giveaway and get them to join, or your gift will be removed. In order to do that , you’ll have to start joining some of the list building sites.
In the next section, we’ll discuss what they are, and what you’ll need to do.
List Building Sites – How to Use Them
List Building sites do not work all that well, but well enough to get your word out to at least enough people so that you will be able to survive in Internet Marketing. Even though the upgrades can be a bit pricey, they are worth it, since this is a sure-fire way to get opt-ins, if not a few sales.

Some of the sites I’d recommend are , ,, , , , And

Those are just for starters. You need to strongly consider the one time offers that allow you to send a system email to a set number of subscribers at various intervals.

Once you do this, you’ll have a huge, albeit “weak” set of leads at your fingertips to mail to. This is a great way to get a jump-start with your giveaway-submission which we will go back to in the next subject.
List Building Sites – Giveaways
Now that you have joined the various List Building sites (and hopefully upgraded in some of them) it should be no problem getting the word out about a free giveaway that you have discovered. After submitting a gift to the Giveaway , and having it lead to a squeeze page of yours, you will be obligated, when the giveaway officially begins, to promote it to those list building sites of yours so you can get at least a few people to sign up. This will allow your gift to stay in the giveaway for as long as it runs, usually 1 to 4 weeks. If you have a chance to upgrade in the Giveaway, as a contributor, you will likely be able to get your gift placed “higher” so it will be seen more times. Do that if the price is reasonable, it will help to build your list.

Join as many of these giveaways as you can to build your lead base to at least 750, that way, when you later on do “ad swaps” with other marketers, you will have at least hundreds of people to promote to.

Every giveaway is a little bit different, but they usually run off of a similar “script”, there are only about 3 or 4 out there. So, once you become accustomed to one, you will become comfortable with many of the others.

When you become extremely advanced you can consider running a giveaway yourself, although the market is starting to become saturated, slowly but surely.

In the next subject we will talk about selling to that list you are building.
Selling Master Resale Rights Products
You’ve already learned how to give away those products that had “giveaway rights”, well now it is time to learn how to sell your Master Resale Rights products that you have been buying, hopefully at a reasonable cost. You may recall from the earlier issues, that you became familiar with that market because you joined a lot of “lists” when you partook in a giveaway as a user (not as a contributor, later on).

In order to sell your product to that new list of yours that you are building (we will go over other traffic methods shortly) you need to take the sales page that came with the Master Resale Rights product (most come with them), and change it just a little bit to include your name, etc.

The key to this whole sales process is sending people to that “landing page” where they will buy the product by tapping on a payment link which you will also have to provide. Make sure you have a Paypal account, and are comfortable developing a “payment button” so you can copy and paste that code into your sales page near the bottom, so folks can buy your product. This will take some practice as you learn to edit the sales page in Kompozer, and you learn to make a payment button and get it on to the sales page.

You will also need to either copy and edit a “download page” that is provided with the Master Resale Rights product, or make your own, so that after someone buys, they get sent to the download page directly via Paypal. (With a Netprosoft account, you get all this inside the members area and automatically)

Although this is easy once you get the hang of it, it will take a day or two of very concentrated study on your part to get this all down right, since you will have to use your FTP program and make sure everything is going to the right place, etc. You will also need to test your paypal button and the whole sales process, so you may want to do this with a second paypal account or a friend’s paypal account, setting the price on one payment button to only a few cents to test.

This is the most rewarding kind of sale to make because you can keep all of the money you get less the Paypal fees. You don’t have to share the commission with the vendor, since you ARE the vendor. In the next subject, we’ll take a look at other ways to get traffic to your site so that you can make these sales. So far, your list is still pretty small, and consists of mostly “freebie seekers” who came onboard through the giveaways. That doesn’t mean they wont buy anything, but its time to continue to build your list of subscribers.
Getting Free Traffic to your sites

In addition to getting traffic to your site through the giveaways and through the “list builders”, there are dozens, if not hundreds of ways to get traffic, many for free. Let’s talk about some of them. Article marketing is very popular and really does work, but takes a lot of work. Video marketing works very well, but also takes a lot of work to get videos you make of any kind up onto Youtube and other sites. There are services that will submit the videos automatically. Viral marketing is something you should check into. You hand out something for free, but links to your product, and your “list” are embedded in the product. If you can for instance develop a product that others can submit to a giveaway, you may be able to get some incidental traffic that way. If you can find a way to have a piece of software that is given out for free, somehow lead back to YOU, you will be golden.

Ad swaps can be very effective. That is when you go on a forum, such as the warrior forum, and direct message someone you think may be a marketer who has a list that is comparable to yours. You each agree to promote each other’s squeeze pages to your lists, and they both grow as a result.

Social marketing is great except you usually have to siphon off members from your social sites to your list. The best way to do that is to develop relationships with them, which can take a lot of time. However, Twitter is very popular right now, and I can teach you some tricks to build a very targeted group of Twitter followers, who you can eventually turn into list members. I’ll address that in the next subject.
Twitter Tricks – There are many
One of the coolest things about the now very popular Twitter is that there are a variety of free tools that let you make it work in your favor as a marketer. For instance if you use the tool called Twollo at you can find folks talking about the subjects that you want to focus on.
Assuming for a moment you will be selling products to other Internet Marketers like yourself, and not some “other niche”, then you would look for people talking about Internet Marketing, blogging, and other marketing related terms. First you of course need to establish an account, or two in Twitter. Then using Twollo and TwitterSheep, make sure the folks you follow are talking about the subjects you are interested in. As you follow various Twitter users, they will often follow you back, about half the time, or a little more. That means you will actually get followers automatically. Start joining the various discussions, and more people will follow you. You want eventually to keep the number following you above the number that you are following. If you do that, Twitter will allow you to grow and grow.

Finally, once you have a large enough following, you will want to frequently discuss Internet Marketing and explain why you have a list that people will want to join. Whether it is because you are giving something away for free, or some other reason, they will eventually join your general marketing “list”. In order to help automate those messages, you should consider using the tool known as TweetLater. But don’t abuse it, it is for automatically sharing content too, not just blatant attempts at making sales.

In this point,  you are now ready to start making regular sales to your “list” . In the next Subject I’ll explain how to use your autoresponder to do just that.
Marketing to Your New List
By now you should have been able to build a list of leads. In order to monetize the list, you need to treat your list members right. Feed them with updates, similar to these that you are reading here, to help them out, to help them get started like you. Alternately, you can provide offers, often of low-cost items at first, that you think they would be interested in. I would not recommend pricey items above $100 until you gain a large following of 2,500 or more.

There are two ways to “speak” to your list,  One is through the “followup” , or timed feature where your emails go out at regular intervals. You stack those emails up ahead of time with information or even sales pitches. When new members come onboard your list, they will run into these emails from you at various pre-determined times such as Day1, Day 3, Day5, etc.

The other way is through “blasts” or “broadcasts” that you make as you release new products. Simply put, that means you speak to your entire subscriber base whenever you feel like it. If you want to point them to a timely blog post you made, or you want to sell them something special, these blasts will be your main vehicle for getting the message out!

It is preferable NOT to send out more than one of these per day, although some marketers send out 2 to 3 daily. Try to keep it up at least once per week, or your list members will think you are a flash in the pan, someone who is not working at this full-time.

You will get folks “unsubscribing” from your list with almost every single email you send, so don’t stop trying to buid your list! Although I've had success every day of the week, folks seem most responsive Monday lunchtime to Friday morning Eastern Time.

In the next subject I will discuss the whole concept of Paid Traffic, and how you will have to cover your ears not to be overwhelmed by all the emails you will get about it :-)
Using Adwords
I probably should have brought this up sooner, since by now, you’ve received numerous offers for products that say you can make a gazillion dollars, and they are usually referring to various uses of Adwords. The problem is, if you don’t spend some money, and test Adwords correctly, you can be out of some money yourself, and never reach those lofty goals. Therefore, consider Adwords as a possible way to make money online, but not necessarily the way you will follow. It is NOT for everyone.

Adwords is the opposite of Adsense. Remember when you placed those little ads on your blog early on, and made money when people clicked on the ads? Well what if YOU placed those ads, and YOU paid people money through Google when folks clicked on them. Sound silly? Well no, not necessarily. You see, if you can figure out the right amount of money to spend, to gain a certain number of clicks, and you know your product has a conversion ratio (the percentage of people that buy the product compared to the number that clicked on the ad) that will make you money in the end, it can be money very well spent.

Adwords takes tweaking and testing and spending, and is something I’ve tried, had just a tiny bit of success with, and moved on from. That is because I don’t have the patience for it. However, you may be more analytical, and if you are, you may do very well indeed by purchasing products that teach you how to do an Adwords campaign!
Cash Management and Affiliate Payout Systems
Now that you are beginning to sell your own products, it is time to start inviting affiliates, or those really close-ally affiliates known as JV Partners, to promote on your behalf, for a commission. This is the opposite of course of when you were promoting other people's products and getting a commission yourself.

There are three basic ways to pay affiliates, they are all tricky for different reasons.

1. Direct pay
Direct pay, is a system that allows the buyer to pay your affiliate directly. It works primarily when using Paypal. The payments alternate depending on the commission, for instance, a 50% direct-pay plan would alternate payments 1 to you, then 1 to the affiliate, then 1 to you and one to the affiliate again.

The advantage of this type of system is that you never have any of the affiliate’s money in your hands, so you are not responsible to have to pay him or her later.

The disadvantage is it gets extremely confusing for the buyer since they may buy from you but pay to someone else. It can be difficult to track refunds.

2. Future pay (Mass pay)
When you collect all the money yourself and then pay affiliates later, as you would do when signing up to as an example, the burden is on your to make sure your affiliates get paid. The advantage of this is that you can take care of all refunds yourself, and then pay your affiliates after refunds are processed. The disadvantage is that your affiliates have to wait to be paid, and you have to remember to pay them. There are also income tax considerations with this method.

3. 3rd Party Pay
The most notable 3rd party system is of course Clickbank. In this case, your affiliates have to wait to get paid, but they know they can trust Clickbank to make those payments. Clickbank holds the money for both parties for several weeks or more, and handles all refunds. The advantages of this are obvious, the disadvantage is the waiting period.

With your Netprosoft account, you get your own Affiliate Management system to every possible payment processor there is and you control everything from one control panel...
There are several payment processor and affiliate payment systems you can purchase for yourself if you arent’ using or including Rapid Action Profits, Surefire Profit System, and JV Manager.
As I recommended above, the best choice for you will be the Netprosoft program to handle all your Internet Marketing needs including affiliate management tools...
$7 Sales and Dimesales
If you want to build a list of “buyers”, which is recommended, you can do so by inviting affiliates to promote your products, and capture the buyer’s information (email and name) just before receiving their product that they bought. To make this list grow faster, selling products for $7, or under $10 in general, will increase the number of sales, and thus the number of buyers to your list. You can invite affiliates to promote for you through forums, or by announcing it on the site If you want to add to this group of affiliates, you can let them get 100% of the commission, and choose a direct-pay method, which we discussed earlier. You can still get paid on a possible “one time offer” which we will discuss in the next section.

Another way to REALLY increase the number of sales, and thus buyers leads that you can get, is to hold a dimesale, which requires a special script, or plug-in to do it. Rapid Action Profits currently offers a plug-in I believe to do a dimesale, and I think JV Manager 2 will do it automatically.(The new system Delavo from John Delavara may have a dimesale option).

Dimesales increase with time so many buyers flock to the product initially, then trail off. In this initial burst of sales, you can give away all of your commission to the affiliates of yours who will get paid a small amount, but make lots of sales. They are handing you their buyer’s leads though, which is good for you.
Using one time offers (OTOs)

It is absolutely true that you are leaving money on the table if you aren’t using one time offers or some kind of upsell. You can either find a way to offer an additional product, or resale rights to your product on the same sales page, or you can add an offer that folks will see just one time, increasing the incentive to buy it, after they purchase the original item.

One time offer software is included in many of the payment processing/affiliate systems already mentioned, but you will have to do some research here. One thing you should note is that you can give away all your commission on the “front end” product in a low-cost sale, and still make out very well with a 50% commission scheme on the One Time Offer product which you are also selling.

My best luck with “OTOs” has been when the price of the OTO is less than 2X the price of the original product. Try that next time you release a product with a one time offer, and despite a lower amount of money per sale, I think you will take in enough sales to make up for the difference, and then some.

There are numerous twists to one time offers. For instance, you can send buyers who say “NO” they aren’t interested, to a second offer at a reduced rate, for something similar, but not quite as complete.
Private Label Rights Products
Private Label Rights products allow the buyer to turn those products into his or her own. The problem is, even though it allows the buyer to put their name on it as the publisher, PLR is sometimes sold with limited rights in terms of passing along the Private Label Rights, or even the Master Resale Rights to that very product. In other words, you can change the product, put your name on it, etc, but can’t even sell the Resale Rights to it yourself.

That is not always the case, but you should be very careful when purchasing a Private Label Rights product if you want to have unlimited rights to turn it around.

There are different products that come with Private Label Rights. PLR videos are not a great example, since you can’t really change the video content. I hardly consider video series true Private Label Rights content. PLR products are great if you get liberal rights to resell them. PLR content such as articles are great for putting things together.

PLR content can be your best friend, but choose wisely. Make sure it is interesting, well written, and up-to-date.
Free Traffic from Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization, also known as “SEO” is an excellent thing to do. You can tweak your websites, or even your mini-site sales pages, and squeeze pages so that they are picked up more readily by the Search Engines such as Google. This means you are in a sense getting free advertising.

SEO works best if you are in a “niche” that is not too heavily populated. One of the tricks to SEO is to establish yourself with something called “Long Tail Keywords” For instance, Todd Gross, when he began his Voice Over service, chose to use “Voice Over Guy Utah”. Which immediately brought him high rankings when he did some SEO to optimize that particular term. He then tried to get “Voice Overs Utah”, and Voice Overs Salt Lake” to be ranked high, through SEO, and that worked too, but he of course was not successful at the term “Voice Overs” alone, as that was overcrowded, being a “short-tailed” keyword.

There has been a lot written about SEO and you will have no problem finding out a lot of the simple ways you can get those higher search rankings.
Selling your online services, OFFline...
One of the hottest up and coming areas of Internet Marketing is selling your online expertise to offline shops in local areas. The “Yellow Pages” are dying, and folks are searching for businesses almost solely online. This means that ALL businesses now, whether they are a contractor, or a flower shop, or a restaurant, must get onto the Internet in a hurry to complete.

If you offer to perform Search Engine Optimization for their websites, or if you even build a website for these businesses, they mayl pay you a tidy sum. However, the days of getting paid big-bucks are ending as there is more and more competition in this area, and you need to check into this right away if it interests you so you can get your foot in the door, now, while it is still open. The competition is also driving the price down quickly.

This completes your tutorial of Internet Marketing. I have attempted to take you down the road in a very disciplined, focused manner to get you involved correctly, rather than haphazardly. However, you need to study each topic thoroughly on your own, and come back to this tutorial to make the best of each topic. Some folks are literally making 6 figure incomes within a year with these methods outlined. Good luck to you in your marketing efforts!

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